Completely and Easily Eliminate Your Double Chin with CoolSculpting® CoolMini™!
Contact us TodayAre you concerned about the appearance of a double chin, or feel that your youthful, naturally-gorgeous appearance has been undermined by the stubborn accumulation of excess fat around the chin and jawline? Until very recently, the only effective way to eliminate the unsightly build-up of so-called “submental fullness” at the root of your double chin was through an invasive surgical neck lift. With the introduction of the CoolMini™ applicator, it is now possible to completely eliminate your double chin without surgery or injections. This revolutionary new technology literally freezes away the unwanted fatty tissues causing your double chin, leaving you with a sleek, beautifully-contoured chin and jawline.
The power of freezing away unwanted fat with CoolSculpting® is rapidly becoming one of the most popular non-surgical body contouring techniques available today. This powerful, non-invasive fat reduction technique offers permanent elimination of “love handles”, “muffin tops”, and other areas prone to the accumulation of stubborn fatty deposits such as the abdomen, waist, saddle bags, and flanks. Now, the CoolMini™ applicator can utilize the same revolutionary fat-freezing technology as CoolSculpting® on small pockets of fatty tissue that are just as resistant to elimination through diet as that “muffin top”, but much harder to reach with traditional non-invasive techniques. Now, thanks to the CoolMini™ applicator, with just one or two simple, easy treatments, we can help your double chin disappear!
Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Suzanne Quardt, or “Dr. Q™”, is pleased to offer this latest application of the CoolSculpting® technology at Dr. Q Plastic Surgery, located in beautiful Rancho Mirage, California. The CoolMini™ applicator is the only FDA-approved treatment for submental fullness not involving surgery, heat, or needles. It is completely non-invasive, completely comfortable, and proven to be both highly safe and highly effective at eliminating stubborn fatty deposits in those small, hard-to-reach areas around the neck and chin. If you would like to learn more about the amazing power of the CoolMini™ applicator, we encourage you to schedule your consultation today!
How Does the CoolSculpting® CoolMini™ Applicator Work?
CoolSculpting™ is a radical new technology, developed by Harvard scientists, utilizing an innovative fat reduction technique known as cryolipolysis™. While traditional fat reduction techniques surgically suction away fat cells through incisions in the skin, or melt them away with heat (risking burns), CoolSculpting® and the CoolMini™ applicator direct powerful cooling energy at the target fat cells, literally freezing them to death so they can be naturally and easily reabsorbed by the body. Because the outer layers of skin and adjacent tissues are not impacted by the cooling energy, the treatment can be administered without anesthesia and does not require any downtime.
CoolSculpting® targets large volumes of excess fat that build up around the waist, thighs, and other problem areas, but until now was unable to reach smaller pockets of fat near the face. The CoolMini™ applicator’s unique size, shape, and curvature now enable this same revolutionary technology to reach small volumes of fat, such as those underneath the chin. A CoolMini™ procedure is quick and comfortable, and requires absolutely no downtime; patients can return to all normal activities immediately. For most patients, fat reduction becomes visible after about three weeks, as the body absorbs the targeted fat cells. The permanent elimination of excess fatty deposits causing your double chin can usually be achieved in just one or two CoolMini™ applicator treatments!

If you are interested in achieving a sculpted, beautifully-contoured chin and jawline but are not ready for an invasive surgical procedure, a CoolSculpting® CoolMini™ treatment at Dr. Q Plastic Surgery may be an ideal option for you. Dr. Suzanne Quardt, affectionately known as “Dr. Q”, is a Board-Certified plastic surgeon with broad experience implementing the latest surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. She and the technicians at Dr. Q Plastic Surgery will work with you to understand your aesthetic goals and create a specific, tailored plan to achieve those goals. The warm, comfortable atmosphere at Dr. Q Plastic Surgery is the perfect place for you to improve your self-confidence and rediscover your youth!
If you would like additional information about the amazing benefits of the CoolMini™ applicator, please contact Dr. Q Plastic Surgery today. We look forward to speaking with you, and to scheduling your initial consultation with Dr. Q.
Schedule a Consultation: (760) 537.4579